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Dental supportfrom the Social Insurance Agency

When it comes to dental care support, we cooperate with the insurance fund. As a Swedish citizen, you are entitled to an annual dental care allowance at the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. 

Dental care allowance insurance fund

On 1 July each year, you receive a general dental care allowance that you can use in connection with your dental visit. The allowance is not something you need to apply for, but your dentist or dental hygienist can see how much you have in arrears. You can save a grant for next year and thus use two grants in the same year. If you don't make use of your contributions, they are "burned inside" which is then replaced with a new one every year. Your age determines how much in allowance you are entitled to. Until the year you turn 23, dental care is free. Then the following applies:

  • Frobbery and from the year you turn 24 up to and including the year you turn 29, the contribution is SEK 600 per year.
  • From the year you turn 30 up to and including the year you turn 64, the contribution is SEK 300 per year.
  • From the year you turn 65, the contribution is SEK 600 per year.

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Your dentist Stockholm at Kungsholmen.

Thank you ALEX, for the first time I felt safe at the dentist thanks to you, your way of working with patients, above all not feeling pain. You are the best!

Maze's Rauf

Friendly staff, fresh premises and a modern clinic. I was also offered a cup of good coffee while I waited for my turn. The location is also in a nice and relatively newly built area. 

Farshad Samie

Best dentist! Have had two different ones over the course of 4 years, both super professional, good at telling what needs to be done, easy on the hand and friendly! A dentist that suits me perfectly! 

Mia Jakobsson

Incredibly good & professional treatment when I urgently needed help when part of my filling fell out. Highly recommended, especially Leg. dentist Sia.

Margaret Kingham

Fantastic treatment. Professional staff and knowledgeable. Got to listen to favorite things and watch Tom & Jerry. Super nice and kind staff.

Jaffa Hooliganifer

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