Latest from Family Dental Care

Here you will find the latest news and offers from us at Family Dental Care

Proaktiv tandvård

Proaktiv tandvård

Varför väljer Family Dental Care proaktiv tandvård framför reaktiv tandvård? Många patienter som kommer till oss ställer sig frågan varför man ska gå på regelbundna kontroller till tandläkaren och tandhygienisten. Räcker det inte med att gå till tandläkaren när jag...


Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dentistry procedure where your teeth are safely and controllably bleached to their original color. Before treatment can begin, it is important to have an examination and assessment by a dentist to find out whether your teeth are...


Dental implants

Some of us are missing teeth due to injuries or diseases, which can lead to difficulties in speaking and chewing properly. This situation can often be frustrating and embarrassing. To replace a missing tooth, a dental implant can be inserted. The implant...

Aligners- osynlig tandställning

Aligners - invisible braces

Common traditional braces consist of a visible metal wire that is attached to the teeth with the help of plastic brackets. The metal wire is tightened at regular intervals so that the teeth move in the bite to the desired location. When the treatment is complete, the wire is removed and...


Dental hygienist treatment

The dental hygienist's main goal is for you as a patient to have a healthier mouth, free from tartar and bacteria that can cause tooth loss problems in the future. Dental hygienists often work together with a dentist to design a good treatment plan for...


Root canal treatment

In the center of the tooth is the pulp, the nerve of the tooth. This nerve extends down through the roots of the tooth and out into the jawbone. If a hole in the tooth is deep and the bacteria has reached the pulp, or if you hit your tooth, the nerve can die and cause inflammation/infection in...

Kronor och broar

Crowns and bridges

When large parts of a tooth have been damaged or previously repaired many times, it is not possible to sustainably repair with the help of an ordinary plastic filling. What is then required is a customized laboratory-made dental crown or bridge that is individually adapted to your tooth and...


Tooth filling

Performing a tooth filling is a common and important procedure in dentistry that aims to restore a tooth that has been damaged by caries or other factors. A dental filling helps preserve the tooth's structure and prevent further deterioration. After a...

MISSA INTE! Vårt erbjudande på tandblekning

DO NOT MISS! Our offer on teeth whitening

Whiter teeth? Yes, of course! THIS OFFER IS NO LONGER CURRENT!"Previous Offer Ended: Stay Updated for Future Affordable Dental Offers from Family Care Dental" Do you also dream of shiny white teeth? With us at Family Dental Care you will find...

Vi bjuder på Airflowbehandling

We offer Airflow treatment

Airflow treatment in Stockholm THIS OFFER IS NO LONGER CURRENT! Booking a dental examination with us is a simple step to take care of your dental health and to avoid dental problems. Regular dental check-ups are essential to identify dental problems…