Care & Advice After treatment

When you have undergone professional dental treatment at Family Dental Care, some after-effects can sometimes appear.
Below you can read a little more about what you can expect after a treatment and how you can get help.

Post-surgery information after root canal treatment

Doing a root canal involves removing the nerve of the tooth, cleaning the root canals and then filling the tooth so that bacteria cannot live in it.

Common after-effects after such a treatment are tenderness when biting, spontaneous pain and swelling of the gums around the tooth. A root canal is a time-consuming treatment where you need to gape for a long time. You can therefore also have pain in the jaw after a treatment. These after-effects usually go away on their own within 2 weeks and can be alleviated with the help of over-the-counter pain relievers.

If the pain does not subside after 2 weeks you call us for further investigation. Rarer after-effects may occur in some cases.

Post-operative information after prosthetic treatment

(crown therapy/ bridge therapy)

When you have undergone prosthetic treatment, the dentist has ground your tooth and then cemented a porcelain crown or bridge.

Common complaints after such treatment are itching and pain in the tooth/teeth when consuming hot and cold food/drink.

If the rushes/aches radiate from tooth against ear and head and you have to take painkillers for the pain, the tooth nerve may be inflamed and the tooth must then have a root canal. However, this is unusual.

Post-operative information after tooth extraction

After having a tooth extracted, there are a number of things you should consider.

When the anesthesia wears off, it can begin bleed a little from the wound which is completely normal. Then take one of the sterile cotton balls we sent, moisten it in a little warm water and squeeze hard for about 20 minutes. The pressure stops the bleeding.

Common occurrence is also swelling around the wound area, from the lip out towards the cheek. This should go away after a few days.

You will possibly also feel pain and tenderness from the area which usually lasts for about 3-4 days but can last up to two weeks. The discomfort can be alleviated with over-the-counter painkillers.

We always recommend cleaning with a extra soft toothbrush around the wound area which can be bought from us or Apoteket. You brush your other teeth as usual with your regular toothbrush. Also rinse your mouth with it Paroex containing bactericidal agent (0.12% chlorhexidine) three times a day for 7 days.

Contact Us:

  • If you cannot stop the bleeding.
  • If swelling and gaping difficulties do not decrease after 14 days.
  • If swelling occurs down towards the throat, bottom of the mouth or up towards the eye.
  • If you have difficulty swallowing or drinking.
  • If you get a fever or a general reaction.

If you have difficulty breathing, contact 112. Difficulty breathing after a tooth extraction is, however, extremely rare.

Post-surgery information after Implatat

The after-effects after an implant operation vary from person to person depending on how extensive the operation is/how many implant screws we inserted.

In the case of a smaller operation (1–3 implant screws), less can be used bleeding, swelling and pain in the surgical area, cheek and lip occur.

In larger operations (4–6 implant screws), the swelling and pain may be more noticeable. After a few days, the swollen area may turn blue and yellowish.

To reduce swelling after surgery, you may want to prepare a wrapped bag of ice at home to cool down the surgical area.

In more complicated operations in the lower jaw, there may be loss of sensation in the chin and lip some time after the operation. Note that this happens in rare cases!

Contact Us:

  • If you cannot stop the bleeding.
  • If swelling and gaping difficulties do not decrease after 3-4 days.
  • If swelling occurs down towards the throat, bottom of the mouth or up towards the eye.
  • If you have difficulty swallowing or drinking.
  • If you get a fever or a general reaction.

Post-operative information after dental hygiene treatment

The dental hygienist's job is to remove bacteria, tartar and discoloration from your teeth. Usually you don't get any after-effects, this depends on how extensive the treatment was.

Common after-effects are tenderness in the gums as well rushes in the teeth. The problems can last up to two weeks until the gums heal and tighten around the tooth.

If you received anesthesia during the treatment, you should wait to eat and drink hot drinks until the anesthesia wears off so that you don't risk biting yourself or burning the oral mucosa.

Post-operative information after bleaching

Before whitening, you should think about a few things that your dentist or dental hygienist will go over with you.

Avoid eating, drinking, smoking and sniffing while wearing the bleaching trays. Also avoid eating and drinking colorful foods during the bleaching process and for a few days after the treatment.

Some patients may experience increased tooth sensitivity. Common occurrences are itching when consuming hot and cold food/drinks. However, this is not dangerous and disappears one to two days after you finish your bleaching.


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