Älskar du känslan av rena tänder? Då kan vi hjälpa dig! Airflowbehandling tar bort ytliga missfärgningar, vilket ger dig ett ljusare och friskare leende.
- Airflow gently removes stains from your teeth.
- Airflow treatment is effective and completely painless.
- Airflow easily removes surface discolorations.
Book Air flow
Kungsholmen online today!
At our clinics, you get high-quality dental care from some of the most experienced and reliable dentists in Stockholm. We use only the latest and most effective technology to provide you with the best possible care and results.
Here you can easily and smoothly switch between online booking and see our reviews!
Why us?
Family Dental Care
At Family Dental Care, we believe that everyone deserves a beautiful smile. That's why we offer affordable dental care in Stockholm City at Kungsholmen. Our skilled team of dentists understand that each patient has unique needs and we take the time to ensure that each treatment plan is tailored to your needs.
Pay in installments for your visit with a fixed monthly cost INTEREST FREE
Pay in installments for your dental care
With us, you can pay in installments for your dental care interest-free for up to one year. Everything to create accessibility for you as a customer.
Experienced & good employees
We at Family Dental have a team of experts with many years of experience in the field.
Get an appointment at once
The queues for a private clinic are shorter than in public dental care. Get treatment already the same week.
Invest in airflow treatment!
Airflow treatment in Stockholm at the right price.
Airflow is an important part of dental care performed by dentists and dental hygienists. By doing airflow at the dentist, you can get cleaner and healthier oral health. Airflow is also a gentle method that does not damage the gums or the enamel of the teeth.
Airflow is a good option for people with sensitive teeth or gums. Which is an important part of dental care that can contribute to maintaining good oral health and healthy teeth in the long term.
What is airflow treatment?
Get rid of superficial discolorations.
Discoloration of teeth is a common problem that cannot be fixed on your own at home. Fortunately, we can step in here and help you get rid of this through an affordable airflow treatment!
This method is perfect for those who do not want to expose their enamel to the stresses that high-pressure or grinding treatments can entail. In addition, our airflow treatment provides long-lasting results that leave you with a bright and radiant smile! You are warmly welcome to us at Family Dental Care.
Ours Recommendations
See ours Reviews
Please read reviews from our patients | Family Dental Care
Your dentist Stockholm at Kungsholmen.
Thank you ALEX, for the first time I felt safe at the dentist thanks to you, your way of working with patients, above all not feeling pain. You are the best!
Maze's Rauf
Friendly staff, fresh premises and a modern clinic. I was also offered a cup of good coffee while I waited for my turn. The location is also in a nice and relatively newly built area.
Farshad Samie
Best dentist! Have had two different ones over the course of 4 years, both super professional, good at telling what needs to be done, easy on the hand and friendly! A dentist that suits me perfectly!
Mia Jakobsson
Incredibly good & professional treatment when I urgently needed help when part of my filling fell out. Highly recommended, especially Leg. dentist Sia.
Margaret Kingham
Fantastic treatment. Professional staff and knowledgeable. Got to listen to favorite things and watch Tom & Jerry. Super nice and kind staff.
Jaffa Hooliganifer
- Pay fixed monthly installments and interest-free.
- Qualitative dental care at the right price in Kungsholmen.
- Same day emergency appointment to be able to help you immediately.
- Well-educated staff with broad competence.
Achieve perfect dental health! Airflow treatment at a cheap price in the city | Stockholm
En airflowbehandling är en minimalt invasiv och smärtfri behandling som kan ta bort missfärgningar på dina tänder It is common to get discoloration on the teeth for various reasons. It also reaches into periodontal pockets to eliminate bacteria that can cause significant dental problems. Airflow also makes whitening procedures more efficient by removing deposits that can hinder whitening.
How does it work airflow treatment? Remove discoloration on teeth!
Airflow is a gentle teeth cleaning method that has become popular because it is so gentle. The treatment is performed by a licensed dental hygienist who polishes the teeth with a mixture of salt, water and air (as a form of air polishing). An Airflow treatment can be a great way to freshen up your smile, but it's important to start with a visit to your dental hygienist. They will make sure your teeth are healthy and free of tartar before proceeding with the treatment. You can easily book an appointment for a dental hygienist treatment in our online booking system.
- Reduces plaque and tartar build-up
- Can be used on veneers, crowns, bridges and implants
Simple treatment that suits everyone! Airflow treatment What are the main benefits?
The advantage of this is that this new Airflow treatment i Stockholm (tandrengörings-behandling) tar bort fläckar på dina tänder, vilket ger dig ett ljusare och friskare leende som känns renare än någonsin tidigare. Behandlingen är också snabbare och mer bekväm för patienten jämfört med traditionella metoder som skrapning. Dessutom når behandlingen områden som är svåra att komma åt med andra verktyg, vilket leder till en mer grundlig rengöring.
- Polishes your teeth
- Prevents gum disease
- Freshens your breath
Cleaning of the teeth | Kungsholmen Good dental health is important!
What is your task between cleaning teeth at the dental hygienist?
Att borsta tänderna två gånger om dagen är det bästa sättet för att hålla tänder och tandkött friskt. Att använda en eltandborste istället för en vanlig är även att föredra. Utöver tandborstningen är det viktigt att komplettera med hjälpmedel för att komma åt mellan tänderna där tandborsten ej kommer åt. Idag finns en uppsjö av olika hjälpmedel, så som tandtråd, tandstickor, mellanrumsborstar mm, som din tandhygienist noga går igenom med dig för att se vad som passar dig bäst.
- Reduces plaque and tartar build-up
- Can be used on veneers, crowns, bridges and implants
Tandundersökning och airflow tänder!Time for examination? What happens if I don't get my teeth cleaned?
If you do not clean the surface of your teeth, it can lead to an inflammatory process. Vilket i sin tur leder till tandköttssjukdomar som gingivit eller parodontit – en allvarlig form av inflammation där käkbenet runt tanden bryts ner på grund av ständig exponering av bakterier. Med tiden blir tanden lös och i värsta fall om åtgärder ej vidtas så förlorar du tanden. Hos oss kan du boka tid för en tandundersökning och samtidigt utföra en airflow behandling i Stockholm. Läs mer om våra behandlingar här.
News & offers
Here you will find the latest from Family Dental Care
Teeth whitening
Tandblekning är en kosmetisk tandvårdsprocedur där dina tänder bleks på ett säkert och kontrolleratsätt till sin ursprungliga färg. Innan behandlingen
Dental implants
Some of us are missing teeth due to injury or illness, which can lead to difficulty speaking and chewing properly.
Aligners - invisible braces
Common traditional braces consist of a visible metal wire that is attached to the teeth with the help of plastic brackets. The metal wire is tightened at regular intervals
Dental hygienist treatment
The dental hygienist's main goal is for you as a patient to have a healthier mouth, free from tartar and bacteria that in the future
Root canal treatment
In the center of the tooth is the pulp, the nerve of the tooth. This nerve extends down through the roots of the tooth and out into the jawbone. About one
Crowns and bridges
When large parts of a tooth have been damaged or previously repaired many times, it is not possible to sustainably repair with the help of
Tooth filling
Carrying out a tooth filling is a common and important procedure in dentistry that aims to restore a tooth that has
DO NOT MISS! Our offer on teeth whitening
Whiter teeth? Sure! THIS OFFER IS NO LONGER CURRENT!"Previous Offer Ended: Stay Updated for Future Affordable Dental Care Offers from…
We offer Airflow treatment
Airflow treatment in Stockholm THIS OFFER IS NO LONGER CURRENT! Booking a dental examination with us is a simple step for…